Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Plagiarism? Not on Amazon! Yeah, right.

Something does not seem right in the land of Ammy. A long time and respected reviewer appears to have succumbed to laziness. Either that or is possibly exercising the sincerest form of flattery. An example:

One more example, same text and different product. It's not suspiciously like plagiarism yet - just appears to be laziness.

This is what makes it highly suspect:

Amazon's response?

Hello Mike,

I've read the reviews you provided and I understand your concerns. In their current format, the reviews don't violate our posted guidelines.

You can provide feedback about this review by voting or commenting on it. To vote, click the "Yes" or "No" buttons next to "Was this review helpful to you?"To comment, click the Comments link at the bottom of the review.

We try to encourage our customers to give their honest opinions on our products while staying within our guidelines. Sharing pieces of information available on the internet is not outside our guidelines.

In point of fact it does violate their guidelines. Specifically, "Inappropriate content:
• Other people's material (this includes excessive quoting)"

Go figure.

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